When it comes to population growth, Texas is near the top of the list. With over 26 million people in the state and growing at a rate of 3.6 percent, Texas is a magnet for businesses and families alike. With an influx of new industry, commercial real estate is becoming more and more popular in our state.
Growth and change signal healthy commerce and communities. In a country that’s still facing many financial difficulties, the oil and energy industries in Texas are continuing to add to the region’s wealth, providing jobs, places to live and an attractive commercial real estate market. According to some people, though, there can be many challenges that come with all the advantages that growth brings to the area.
Road congestion, school overcrowding, public transportation issues and overburdened water and sewage systems are all side effects of growth. Also, problems with construction contracts and zoning laws can arise when new commercial buildings are built. This doesn’t mean the challenges that come with growth in our area are too difficult to handle. Many of these obstacles can be overcome by good planning and cooperation on the part of Texas legislators and city developers.
For most individuals and business owners, growth in Texas is exciting, as it means job security and successful businesses. However, any time there’s a boom in commerce and communities, there are bound to be disputes over land, contracts, commercial real estate transactions, and public resource planning. Consulting with a commercial law attorney can help answer questions and resolve disputes that result from urban growth.
Source: The Courier of Montgomery County, “Growing pains: Texas’ growth is good, but brings some challenges,” Jan. 8, 2013