In 2018, rumors emerged suggesting Amazon was looking to dump Woody Allen from the 2017 four-movie contract signed between the two parties. The first of the four films, “A Rainy Day in New York,” was filmed in 2017 and has yet to receive a release date. The long wait for a release date coincides with the timing of the #MeToo movement in which Allen was implicated, leading some to believe that the stalled release is intentional.
Woody Allen has responded to the delay by filing a lawsuit in New York for breach of contract. Allen is seeking $68 million from Amazon for allegedly “reneging on its promises” stated within the contract. The lawsuit alleges that Amazon was aware of the 25-year-old claim that Woody Allen molested his daughter prior to entering the contract; therefore, the molestation claim may not be grounds for terminating the contract. Allen also claims the molestation allegation is false.
The sex abuse allegation first surfaced during the custody battle that followed Woody Allen’s acrimonious split from Mia Farrow. Allen left Farrow for the couple’s adopted daughter. After news of the scandal died down, Allen continued to enjoy an entertainment career and film an average of one movie per year.
Parties may attempt to terminate a contract for a variety of reasons. However, not all reasons permit the party that desires to end the contract to do so without penalty. It may be beneficial to consult a Texas business contracts attorney prior to entering or leaving a contract. A corporate lawyer may present all legal options to allow for a more informed decision-making process, which may ultimately save money and preserve the integrity of the business in the long run.